OAMENI DE CARE SE FOLOSEŞTE DUMNEZEU (2Tim.2:1-26) By David (duţu) Miclea

*Cuvîntul de aur: Totusi temelia tare a lui Dumnezeu sta nezguduita, avand pecetea aceasta: „Domnul cunoaste pe cei ce sunt ai Lui”; si: „Oricine rosteste Numele Domnului sa se departeze de faradelege!” (2Tim.2:19).

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The Church Is Changing: Is The Day Of The “Paid Pastor” Over?

The Church Is Changing: Is The Day Of The “Paid Pastor” Over?

I saw a video over at Tony Jones’ blog which should be chilling wake up call to anyone under 30 who wants to be a pastor or go into some form of professional ministry. Its a clip from PBS on the decline of “paid” pastoral roles at congregations within the United States.job
Says Greg Sterling, Head of the Yale Divinity School:
There are about 300,000 churches and congregations in the United States. I don’t know what the percentage of those are financially viable enough in the sense of having the capacity to support someone on a full time basis but my guess is the majority are not…
The video shows numerous seminary graduates or qualified ministers who are holding down part time jobs to make ends meet while they struggle to look for a church to hire them.
Which begs the question “Is being a pastor a viable career choice for the 21st century?”


Was it ever meant to be a career choice?
Was ministry supposed to be something we sent CVs and resumes out for hoping to score a job?

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John Mac Arthur – de ce și creștinii se luptă cu divorțul?

John Mac Arthur – de ce și creștinii se luptă cu divorțul?

John Macathur pulpit_0„Pastorilor nu trebuie să le fie frică de faptul că îi vor ofensa pe ascultători spunându-le că Dumnezeu urăște divorțul, Continuă lectura